Monday, May 19, 2008

what happened??


I looked at the last date that I wrote something here and I was amazed at how long it has been. I think I fell asleep by a tree and woke up with a beard. It has been a challenging, exhausting, emotional, and somehow thrilling last few months. In one of my last blogs I wished for more time, oh how true that is!

Well after my long nap I feel rested, rejuvenated and restored.

I feel the passion again.

I feel the freedom.

I feel the crazy love, that is loving God.

There will still be obstacles to overcome, and pain to endure for the sake of the battle, but I am ready to fight, and ready to win.

I was listening to Peter Gabriel's song "Big Time" this week and some lyrics struck a chord with me (no pun intended).

"and I will pray to a big God
as I kneel in the big church
big time - I'm on my way-I'm making it
big time - I've got to make it show yeah
big time - so much larger than life
big time - I'm going to watch it growing"

It's time to go big, larger than life, making it show and then watch it grow!

I have to take a moment and say a special thanks to my wife for all of the wisdom, knowledge and love that she has shown to me. She is the one who taught me about going on a journey with God to see who he really is. It was all of the books that she gave me, the long talks at night, and the times where she would tell me that what I really needed was God, not her. She has given herself up for me and for my children and for that I am eternally grateful! Thanks Mo!

Hopefully I will eek out a little time during the week to keep writing.

1 comment:

Duncan Mok said...

Hey man. I happen to love that Peter Gabriel song and in fact the whole album. But Big Time is rather pointed don't you think? He's poking at people who big-note themselves, who try to make themselves look better than everyone else, with their big car, and house, and bank account.

Isn't that the antithesis of what we should be about? I know you're only pulling that one section of the song as your example, but every time I listen to that song I think about how easy it is to slip into that mode, to imagine that I can consume my way to greatness, that I can create an illusion that could sustain me.

I want to strive to be real with God, to have a vibrant and passionate relationship with him, and have that overflow into my relationships with my wife, my family, my friends and everyone I come into contact with. I may live in Williamson County, and in fact in a big house... but that's not what defines me. I know it's not what defines you!

Thanks for being such a great guy... and for asking some great questions, and not pretending you have all the answers.
