Friday, February 13, 2009

meaning of life

What is the meaning of life?

It is the ultimate question everyone of us asks. I have to admit I am not that philosophical, or deep, so I don't dwell on the question much. I am pretty laid back when it comes to the questions of life. I have always said whatever happens, happens. Another favorite expression of mine is "It is what it is". This attitude was probably born from my days of surfing where all I cared about was whether the waves were up or down.

Not much else, just up or down. It is what it is.

So now I am "grown up" and I start to think about things from a different perspective. I look at things from a wide angle lens, instead of a telephoto focused on me. There are others around me, who depend on me. I am starting to see the bigger picture.

So... back to my point, the meaning of life.

Along my journey I have answered a number of questions, like who am I, am I worthy, does anybody really care? God has revealed so much about Himself to me lately that these questions get answered.

God answers the questions. I don't.

So there is still the question of the meaning of life. What is my ultimate purpose? I have come up with this very simple answer:

My life should be a response of gratitude for everything Christ has done for me.

Nothing more.

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